As I mentioned in the introduction, I am strongly against nuclear weapons and hoping they would someday be eliminated from the surface of the earth.
The reasons are that they are good for nothing and too risky. They are also against humanity. If you ever saw the sight of Hiroshima after being bombed, probably you'd get the same idea. Many people in the world have the same idea.
Please let me know why you think nuclear weapons are continuously being produced and which side you're on. They always say it's for self defence but I do not think such highly destructive weapons are suitable for defending themselves.
By the way the strongest hydrogen bomb in the history have a nuclear punch equal to 3300 Hiroshimas. scary isn't it?
I'm absolutely opposed to having nuclear weapons. I can't understand the countries which possess them to defend themselves. I think they may regard nuclear weapons as just a threat. However, I think nuclear weapons is much more terrible and dangerous things than they expect. I have heard that many young American people don't know the fact that America dropped atomic bombs to Japan during WWⅡ. Knowing this fact, I was so shocked. I didn't want to believe it. In my opinion, they should know the real thing, and think more seriously about nuclear weapons. I also think that we should appeal the abolition of nuclear weapons because we, Japanese, are only victims of atomic bombs.
In connection with this controversial issue, I want to know what foreign countries think about the nuclear weapons.
I wish they would put all these money and effort on making nuclear weapons and other destructive technology into something much more productive and useful, something that would make the world a better place and NOT the opposite :(
How could anyone support nuclear weapons? Sure it's a powerful source of defense...but what are they defending themselves from? Who is the enemy? It's sickening countries which possess nuclear weapons are pointing fingers at each other on whose to blame or pretending to be all friendly when they're just looking for a chance to show how powerful they are by being able to wipe an entire country (or even the entire world). I don't see any use for nuclear weapons, except to boost the ego of whoever owns them.
I thought, as civilized humans, that we could be able to solve conflicts in a peaceful manner, by accepting our differences. Seeing representatives from different countries froth in the mouth and get all huffity puffity because they want things to go on their own way and resort to threating other countries with using nuclear weapons reminds me pre-school kids, and sometimes, kids could solve arguments better than they do. Maybe they should all go back to kindergarten and learn the basic stuff about how to have good relationship with others.
I've been to Hiroshima during a schooltrip back in highschool, and I cannot imagine how they still continue with this technology after what happened there. It's just too horrible. The survivors of the bombing still have health issues years after, not to meantion the emotional and mental pain and suffering they have to endure. How could anyone even think of doing something like that again?
Oh, and aside from that nuclear weapons can also be used as an excuse to invade other countries...*cough cough*
I also think they possess nuclear weapons for threat. The country threatens to other countries with the weapons when it has a bad situation politically. I cannot help thinking it childish. I think the countries possessing them know the threat of the weapons to some extent, so they dare to do such a thing.
When having a bad situation, Japan tries to solute it with talking or something, but this is because Japan(Hiroshima and Nagasaki) was damaged with the atomic bombs and they made the law that prohibits wars or using weapons. If Japan were not damaged and there were not such a law, will Japan also use weapons in such situation? Do other countries have the law that prohibits them?? Isn't the threat really understood unless they themselves are actually damaged with the weapons??? I really want to know..
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